Investment Secrets From Heaven – Part 6
May 23, 2021
- Investment Secret # 1: Invest in people’s lives.
- Matthew 20:28
- An is one who comes to serve.
- A is one who comes to be served.
- The measure of a church’s success is not the quality of a pastor’s sermon, but in the quality of a congregation’s service.
- Service is a source of .
The Practical Benefits of Service
- The pastor’s ability to spiritually nourish you is exponentially increased when you start serving (Matthew 13:1-12)
- When you serve, you receive inside information (Matthew 13:18-23)
- When you serve, you receive practical ministry training.
- John 4:1-4
- Matthew 10:1
- Matthew 10:8
- Luke 10:1-3
- Luke 10:17
- Everything you believe about God is tested in your relationships with people
- I John 4:20
- Whatever love you show to the world must first be tested by your love for the church.
- Our witness to the world can only be fulfilled when we are loving the people in our Christian family (John 13:34-35)
- One of the reasons for Christians to gather together is for us to renew our love for each other (Hebrews 12:24-25)
Five Levels of Service
- Contributing an individual talent or skill
- Submission to a collective vision.
- Helping others complete their tasks.
- Creating vision within the vision.
- Producing other leaders.
© Joshua D. Smith, Ph.D., 2021