Zoe Center
A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken: Finding Certainty In Uncertain Times – Part 4
Archived – June 7, 2020

A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken: Finding Certainty In Uncertain Times – Part 4

June 7, 2020


  • Last week, we talked about how the Christian life consists of both suffering and prosperity and that having a theology for both is not a contradiction.
  • This is because while our physical reality is subject to change, by faith, we can always be linked to the of Christ’s person, presence and power.
  • The Hebrew writer’s commentary on this gives us our theme passage:
    • Hebrews 12:27-28

created can be shaken.

Sometimes things will change in a way that our faith and sometimes they will change in a way that challenges our faith.

A true follower of Christ will to believe regardless of what changes.

Last week, we took our cues from the Apostle Paul regarding our towards life’s circumstances:

    • Philippians 4:11-13
    • Romans 8:35-39

The Problem of Goodness


  • Only God gets to define .
    • Luke 18:19
    • Romans 8:28
  • Goodness is linked to God’s .
  • God’s thoughts about what matters are to ours.
    • Isaiah 55:8-9

The Delusion of Self-affirmed Wisdom

  • Part of what contributes to the mystery of life is the fact that we often insist on seeing things from our own .
    • Proverbs 26:12
    • Proverbs 3:5-7
  • This is why Paul’s prayer to the church was for our inner eyes to see :
    • Ephesians 1:16-19
  • David asked God to open his eyes so that he could see the of God’s law:
    • Psalm 119:18

The Motive of Our Faith

Much of what we call faith today is simply convenient expectation! In other words, we only believe what we want, expect, and are willing to accept. Our belief is based on what we define and interpret as good, right and acceptable; and therefore, instead of believing in the sovereign nature and omniscient perspective of the Creator, our faith is valid as long as our experiences are in keeping with our definition of good. (Myles Munroe, Re-Defining Faith, pp. 12-13)

  •  In many ways, the book of Job sums up today’s message and our entire teaching series.
  • Among other things, it speaks to our for serving God.
  • Do you God because He blesses you?
  • If you went through what Job went through, would you still worship God?
    • Job 1:8-9
    • Job 1:13-20
  • Today, we have reason to worship that is to us now than it was for Job.
  • Our in times of trouble is “a living, loving, growing relationship with Jesus” (A.R. Bernard)


Joshua D. Smith, Ph.D., 2020


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