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Δ Guest Survey Click to open/close We would love to hear your thoughts about your first time visit to our church, so if you are a current or recent guest, we ask you to fill out the survey below. Please use the comment field at the bottom of the form to further explain an answer or if you have comments on an area not covered by this survey. All fields are optional First NameLast NamePhoneEmail* Date of Your Visit Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY Age range of adults living in the home? 18-28 29-38 39-48 49-57 58+ Married or Single (with or without children)?Married with NO ChildrenSingle with NO ChildrenMarried with ChildrenSingle with ChildrenChurch ExperienceLots of church experienceOnly on holidaysRarely, if ever have been to churchLooking for a new churchNever been to churchWill you join us again this Sunday or an upcoming Sunday?YesNoStill thinking about itI would recommend this church to family and friendSelect ValueStrongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreePlease evaluate your experience (HONESTLY)Were you greeted at the front door?YesNoN/ADid you feel welcomed upon entering the sanctuary?YesNoN/AIf you had children with you, were you told about our Nursery and Children’s Church?YesNoN/AIf you had children, were the Nursery and Children’s Church workers friendly and helpful?YesNoN/AHow did you hear about us?FriendRelativeOther Word of mouthSignageSocial MediaAdvertisementIs there anything you would like our church to pray about?Comments (Please share your comments here – they are greatly appreciated!Hidden Email ID Δ Interact Zoe Center I Didn’t Sign Up For This: What You Do When the Abnormal Becomes the New Normal – Part 4 Archived – August 30, 2020 View This Weeks Note View All Past Notes View This Note w/o Blanks I Didn’t Sign Up For This: What You Do When the Abnormal Becomes the New Normal – Part 4 August 30, 2020 Review The unsuspecting Dream Team story Play for the name on the front of the jersey and not the back. Discern the magnitude and urgency of the moment. You can be beat. (Just showing up is not enough). Spiritual Lessons “The goal is not to get back to normal but to get back to God”–Bishop Dale Bronner Discern the Context Distinguish between the things you can control and the things you can’t control. What We Can Conclude from This What we call normal camouflages a spiritual reality. Here is that reality: we sit in the middle of a cosmic battle between good and evil. In Matthew 24, Jesus tells us what to look for as the culmination of this clash draws near. There is a clear Scriptural pattern in which natural disasters, large-scale global events, and socio-economic dishevel become clear signs that we are drawing closer to God’s normal. In this battle, we are both causalities of war and beneficiaries of the ultimate victor: Jesus. This should motive us to do two things: Brace for disruptions in our way of life Have confidence that in Jesus we have roots in a Kingdom that cannot be shaken He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands We were reminded last week that the church is in God’s hands. Not only is the church in His hands, but human history is in God’s hands. While human beings have free will, God shapes the course of human events in such a way that they will eventually culminate in a new heaven and a new earth. One of the most direct ways that God shapes human history is by making His authority accessible to humanity—even to people who do not serve Him (Romans 13:1-6) When human beings accept authority, particularly at its highest levels, they are putting themselves in God’s yard, where He is playing chess (Proverbs 21:1) Ironically, the pursuit of power outside of God places you directly under God’s control. This is why Paul places a special emphasis on praying for people in authority, particularly heads of state (I Timothy 2:1-2) Heads of state (often unknowingly) place themselves squarely in God’s domain and become God’s pawns by default: Pharaoh is warned by God (Genesis 12:17-20) God hardens Pharaoh’s heart (Exodus 7:3-5) God raises Pharaoh up (Romans 9:17-18) God raises up Nebuchadnezzar to rule and oppress (Jeremiah 28:14) God stirs up Cyrus to authorize the rebuilding of the Jewish temple (Ezra 1:1-2) Even the democratic voting process is shaped by God (Proverbs 16:33) God shapes national and international policy, but not on our terms. He’s not a republican, a democrat, a third-party supporter, or an independent. He’s only on His side (Joshua 5:13-15) We should follow Joshua’s example and just surrender to the victor now (Proverbs 21:30-31) In our surrender, we are accountable to make choices consistent with the light we have, however much we have, and then ask for more light (I Corinthians 13:12; Ephesians 1:15-22) © Joshua D. Smith, Ph.D., 2020 Save PDF LocallyClick to save a copy of the filled-in notes to a PDF file on the computer/device you are currently using Save File Click to View PDF Save PDF to Google Drive Click to save a copy of the filled-in notes to a PDF file on your Google Drive account(For Apple devices, use Chrome browser or go to SETTINGS>SAFARI and uncheck BLOCK POPUPS.) Save File Send to Email Enter your email address below to receive a copy of your filled in notes Send